We offer payment through all major credit card companies such as Visa, Discover, American Express, and more!

All orders must be paid in full at checkout before shipping for customers & vendors / dealers

-All orders ship free 

-All Currency is in USD

Once you have submitted your order, your card will be charged immediately and will reflect in your account with 1-7 business days

All customer data collected is in compliance with the Irresponsible data collection and use set by Google and Google Merchant Center

In compliance with Google policies we:

  • Collect personal information such as credit card numbers, securely on an SSL-protected page.
  • Don't sell your customers' contact information.
  • Don't use customers’ personal information or images in ads without their consent
  • Allow everyone to check out
  • Provide accurate pricing
  • Be consistent with currency
  • Use language consistently
  • Provide relevant information
  • Collect user information responsibly and securely

MAP Agreements:

All listing on our site, vendors, and distributor sites must be in compliance with a strict MAP policy